"Found Tiny Vial Of Thick Liquid With A Bead Inside. There Were Also 4 Rubber Things For Your Fingers And It Was All In A Sealed Black Foil Packet. Any Idea What It Is?"
Answer: "It’s a lotion that comes with temporary tattoo kits. The little rubber finger covers are for applications"
You are not seeing the original. And there are computer screens involved. So the colors might be a little different.
Sorry. Meant to reply to Mellie.
Actually you made more sense than what the loony said, that the stenographer typed about.
more like "I better shut my mouth before MTG slaps the Obama out of me." LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER
well thats a perfect example is you have a colorblindness. usually prevalent in men.
Yeah the photo has been color enhanced. In real life the fuchia and red are less simmilar. We used to have this in one of my classrooms as a kid and it had a different color scale.
Look out, Darwin may me looking for you