"Sitting down in the evening to read a book because there was nothing on tv. With today’s streaming services, there is so much more media being produced – and it’s all available at the click of a button whenever you damn well please. It can easily become an endless loop of what to watch next. I remember when there used to be 8 channels. You either had to watch “General Hospital” or find something better to do."
9 and 10 - you mean to say things are more convenient now?
14 - you mean you were the annoying guy who always claimed to "know" stuff. Now people can call you on your sh#t.
19 - I am guessing you never had much of an attention span
I miss not being surrounded by smug dill weeds.
I know right?
I think history proves you wrong there... In practically all of Europe for example you either were a Christian or you were dead. Just one of themany examples I'm afraid.