“Solar Superstorms.
If a solar storm like the Carrington Event of the mid-19th Century were to happen today, it would destroy the entire world’s electrical grid.
The thing is … these storms aren’t rare random flukes. They happen all the time. Just since the Carrington Event, six other storms of similar magnitude have occurred. We’ve just been lucky that they’ve all missed the Earth so far.
We’re probably not going to remain lucky forever.”
#20 - besides the fact that we can directly observe which of these is true (the latter), conceptually the former cannot be true. Think of it this way: if the universe existed infinitely far back, how did we arrive at today?
There is no "expansion" of space. You only fill infinite space with limited physically objects and You waste a lot of time to move from one object (say planet) to another.
So when you die where does the energy go? God rest his soul, maybe not
what energy?