"A Link to the Past’s music and sound effects get me emotional too. My husband doesn’t understand, but he didn’t play Zelda until BotW. It’s more nostalgia (for me, at least) than anything. As soon as I hear that Kakariko music, it gets me every time. Teleports me right back to being 10 years old and having no worries. Life was good back then."
IDDQD & IDKFA = god mode and unlimited ammo
idspispopd = walk through walls
I still have all these, along with: Faxandu, Strider, Shadowgate, Kung Fu, Mega Man 2, The Goonies II, Super Dodgeball, Bionic Commando, Rygar, Dragon Warrior, Double Dribble, Bayou Billy, Zelda, Commando, Contra, Tecmo Bowl, Wizards and Warriors, Final Fantasy, Pro Wrestling, 1942, Skate or Die, Bases Loaded, Castlevania II, Ninja Gaiden, Double Dragon, Track & Field II, Battletoads, Blaster Master, Renegade, The Legend of Kage, Hoops, and many, many more.
I know that's a lot to put here, but I hope someone saw something that brought back a few memories.
I remember many that you listed. I just got my son a Switch and we are playing the original Mario 3 together and he loves it.
Master blaster was epic. Tough game though.
Battle toads made me laugh. Fun. Silly. Challenging!
I killed it in Super Dodge Ball. Sam is the man!
Thanks for the memories. ;)
Another classic!