Patience, A lot of parents are happy for their kids to learn how to think for themselves. On the other hand, many people are indeed scared of knowledge and unable to process new information. Those people are often dogmatic ideologues, easily used by their selected political party and leaders, and unfortunately are often parents too.
Patience, A lot of parents are happy for their kids to learn how to think for themselves. On the other hand, many people are indeed scared of knowledge and unable to process new information. Those people are often dogmatic ideologues, easily used by their selected political party and leaders, and unfortunately are often parents too.
#36 damn self-centered sh*ts blocking off the road so they can take influencer pictures
A lot of parents are happy for their kids to learn how to think for themselves. On the other hand, many people are indeed scared of knowledge and unable to process new information. Those people are often dogmatic ideologues, easily used by their selected political party and leaders, and unfortunately are often parents too.
Schools aren't what they used to be about; knowledge.
Just teach information and let people come to their own conclusions. Not brainwash.
A lot of great pics here. So many beautiful places to experience. I was there was something that says where these are!
Translation; you don't like it people in schools aren't racist and homophobic enough.
Well, believe it or not but a lot of parents don't think like you. In fact, most parents are not exactly for injustice or pro-discrimination.
You can try to make it seem like a bad thing all you like the literal definition of "Woke" is: "Alert to injustice in society, especially racism".
So being anti-woke means you are at the very least a racist that think injustice is ok by definition alone.
You mean a third world country where you can't even get an abortion as a raped child?