Nelson 2 year s ago
#52 Fun fact: most plastics aren't recyclable. Recycling was promoted by the plastic industry to make people feel guilty and blame themselves instead of the corporations. Also, microplastics in clothing are the biggest problem, they don't get filtered out and dump directly into our water when we wash clothes.
Napoleon 2 year s ago

Nooooo! That's not true! It's the plastic straws! We gotta stop using plastic straws! /s
Deborah 2 year s ago

The focus was first in plastic bags in stores.
Now it is on plastic straws now because;
1 all those straws DO add up to one big pile.
2 Are easily replaced by better materials
3 You can't just replace a whole worldwide industry and habit in one go.
And 4 we can keep seeing the trash pile up or start somewhere and let the people that can only whine how everything is stupid whine while the rest of us that still care do a little knowing that together we are doing a lot to improve the world bit by bit.
Midge 2 year s ago
weird because it's called a trade off. one bad thing for another. so we waste paper, then waste more electricity and coal going paperless. it's not the recycling it's the consoomer. plastic is in everything, computers, wiring, buildings, art, cars, condoms etc. More people, more energy.
Deborah 2 year s ago

You REALLLY want me to pick apart your nonsense again?
Well, just because we use one material instead of another doesn't mean that's an equal trade off equally bad.

Let me explain why; Yes, plastic is in a lot of things (hardly in "everything " though), which is the whole problem and the reason we are talking about it...
The goal of reducing plastic is not to reduce energy but to reduce plastic waste which hardly degrades but does break down in microplastic which gets into everything.
I already told you this a while ago actually.
Microplastic have been found in fish for example. The same fish we eat! And that's just what we found now and obviously this will get more. You may like getting plastics and all kinds of cr#p inside of you but most do not.

I don't even know why you brought that up, probably to make using paper seem bad. Well, something tells me making paper uses less energy to create, AND, which is why there is a switch, causes far less damage if it would get in the environment, breaks down a lot faster, AND can even be recycled to boot!

Seriously, why are you even making an argument for plastic? I've used paper straws a lot and they work equally well. In both casws we're wasting something yes. But wasting paper is obviously better. Unless you can come up with a compelling argument why any of my points are untrue?

If I was more like you, I'd probably start thinking you're a shill for big plastic or a secret agent of the nefarious shapeshifting alien lizard people deep state. Oh wait, you probably think I am...
Cole 2 year s ago

no, not a nefarious shapeshifting alien lizard people deep state - but a Karen. You are a know-it-all self entitled paper straw drinking Karen.
Avarilla 2 year s ago

Haha Debbie Karen think the world gonna end and the sky gonna all on her head, but calls YOU crazy LOL
Deborah 2 year s ago

Really, and here I always thought it was Karens that were whining about not getting a bag at stores, not getting straws,etc... Seems like you have no idea what a Karen even is...

And I don't know it all, but I obviously do know what's better here. I mean, instead of giving ANY reason why I'm wrong all you do is resort to petty name calling and part of it is not even true because, again, obviously not a Karen.

Btw, it's pretty obvious you and Avarilla are the same person and you upvoted both yourself...
Wonder how I know? Not only do comments rarely happen in day old posts but 2 both making the same Karen mistake made so quickly after each other? I don't believe in coincidences.
You just discovered you get a different screen name if you go to this site on different devices.
Ava" obviously commented to "Cole" but "both " of you have one upvote and I one downvote. You see, the screen name is device related but up and down votes are IP related which means you can't vote two or more times.
If someone else upvoted "Cole" and "Ava" came along " Cole" should have always have one more. And since "both" of you disagree with me, I should have at least 2 downvotes.
But since you can't vote more than once on each of these posts, this is the only logical explanation.

TL;DR Come back with a logical argument next time instead of this petty cr#p.
Anyway time for my downvotes which you "both" get for your ineptitude. And obviously I'm not low enough to upvote myself...
Lottie 2 year s ago
#39 Women account for 70-80% of all consumerism. Why ya'll need so much stuff?
Bev 2 year s ago

You didn't see the "Celebrities Who Showed Us Their Natural Looks" post?
Duty 2 year s ago
#54 Reminded me of Without a Paddle. I know it was dumb, but I liked that movie.
Wilda 2 year s ago
#28 Yes, Boomers had it so easy and life is so much harder today. Have you checked average wages back in the day? Maybe a little more work and a little less whining and you could have it just as "easy."
Ray 2 year s ago

Memes with the word 'boomer' in it have a 100% chance to get a dumb reaction. It's science.
Alfy 2 year s ago
#13 The only thing funny is the spelling.
Obed 2 year s ago
#23 so real. 36
Norbert 2 year s ago
#15 Yeah, because Robin is the target to draw fire for the villains
Funny Picdump