"South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal sh#t coin."
what the hell is the "stolen land of the native africans" ?
you mean the very first people who lived there thousands of years before?
or do you have any knowledge when there was a first human who lived there?
and why the hell its his/her property? he/she bought that from someone? why the hell is this mantra of "stolen land' still around...?
but hey, at least you wrote your comment full of prejudice and hidden racism about bad bad white people who must stole that land...
so no answers to innocent questions? not surprising.
and what exactly my posts says about me? please, enlighten me.
"Stop. Back up a bit. Ok, zoom in... now enhance..."
This is no longer a myth people. We are living in the future.
I would rather live in a yurt on the edge of town or a cabin in the woods than waste money and resources on some over-sized over-priced box with an over-landscaped lawn. What a waste of time and money just to have a place to store your stuff; most of which you only use occasionally and likely could have rented for a day for much less when you actually used it. Seriously think about it for a moment.
you sh#t WEF's propaganda. Stop it.
it's in a well lit area close to exits for those who are afraid