"Orcas have incredibly complex social structures. They have different languages and regional dialects. They have names. They sing and dance. Pods that are close and speak the same language will mourn deaths and celebrate births together, even from other pods, other families. Their young are largely taught by the matriarch(s) of the pod, and they're able to teach verbally, rather than by showing.
This means they have *culture*. Traditions, not just instinct or patterns. One of the only animals in the world that has that."
I've read this one before and I still wonder, did anyone actually see the other animals come back out? Like are we really sure the wombats weren't luring the other animals in to be eaten? Maybe wombats are actually vicious predators are they've managed to make us all believe that they are just cute and caring...
Umm... yeah. They have pictures and videos of the animals in the caves. Wombats are HUGE and vegetarian (as far as I know), and dig very big caverns.