"It’s at the core of the shift in how humans live their lives. Almost every waking moment of our day is being mediated by this or that institution, we’re under constant surveillance. We experience the world via screens and willingly share our thoughts, movements, buying habits, finances, etc with faceless and unaccountable corporations and government institutions that track, collect and sell our lives as data.
So yeah, unmediated time, which used to be the default state of being human, is now a luxury."
The rest of the world has cought up.
#16 Colleges used to teach students to perform complex work that was in high demand - like engineering, medicine/healthcare, and IT/computer science. Now they've added so many useless degrees that college graduates are unprepared to do complex jobs yet owe tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Government subsidized student loans just allows colleges to increase their tuition at will. College is mostly a scam now.
but ... but ... women's studies
...not in my country