#8 villain: ...and that's why Star Wars will always be my favorite movie. So anyway, I'm gonna need my headquarters to be inconspicuous, but at the same time really reflect the person I am. architect: Say no more.
"In Loganville, GA - Overseas Money Built An Entire Subdivision Of Tacky Mega Mansions. The Builder Didn’t Use An Architect And Built These All Based On His Own Vision... And Went Bankrupt'"
#8 villain: ...and that's why Star Wars will always be my favorite movie. So anyway, I'm gonna need my headquarters to be inconspicuous, but at the same time really reflect the person I am. architect: Say no more.
architect: Say no more.
#14 Nothing wrong with that place, it's built into the side of a hill, so what.
#18 Brutalist Architecture at it's best
#23 when you live where it floods...
#24 Improperly made Double Pane windows, not enough or too much air in between.
#26 mmm, more 50's brutalism