Looks like zucchini, radishes?, a slice of grapefruit and who knows what's in the foil. Kids won't eat that, nost of it ends up in the garbage. Big Mike broke school lunches in the US.
#36 Lack of quality emplyoees. In my area everything is short staffed, our walmarts only offer self checkout. All of the employees are walking around with carts doing shopping for online orders.
Looks like zucchini, radishes?, a slice of grapefruit and who knows what's in the foil. Kids won't eat that, nost of it ends up in the garbage. Big Mike broke school lunches in the US.
#36 Lack of quality emplyoees. In my area everything is short staffed, our walmarts only offer self checkout. All of the employees are walking around with carts doing shopping for online orders.
#13 Wealth, fame and good healthy living. I hope he has several more years.
...I wonder what poor old Pete Best looks like.
Ringo is my favorite living Beatle.
Say his name three times infront of a mirror and he will turn you into an octopus living in the sink.
There are only two to choose from, but he’ll always be my favorite after I saw Caveman. Still love the giant fried egg part.
Looks like zucchini, radishes?, a slice of grapefruit and who knows what's in the foil. Kids won't eat that, nost of it ends up in the garbage. Big Mike broke school lunches in the US.
#46 Ukraine Special Forces.
#46 versus the russian navy
#36 Lack of quality emplyoees. In my area everything is short staffed, our walmarts only offer self checkout. All of the employees are walking around with carts doing shopping for online orders.
This way is the "Hakenkreuz", a symbol for the Nazis, that is now forbidden in Germany.