"The Most Fascinating Man In The World? Maybe. Peter Freuchen (Here With His Wife Dagmar Freuchen-Gale)"
"Standing six feet seven inches, Freuchen was an arctic explorer, journalist, author, and anthropologist. He participated in several arctic journeys (including a 1000-mile dogsled trip across Greenland), starred in an Oscar-winning film, wrote more than a dozen books (novels and nonfiction, including his Famous Book of the Eskimos), had a peg leg (he lost his leg to frostbite in 1926; he amputated his gangrenous toes himself), was involved in the Danish resistance against Germany… [and] once escaped from a blizzard shelter by cutting his way out of it with a knife fashioned from his own feces."
just like #5 where they got their rights and still b*tch like a f@#kboi does.