Daniel 1 year ago
Crawling on all fours and pooping in diapers probably seems awkward to whoever created this post, but he or she did exactly that once upon a time, and at that time it was completely normal. I guess the past always seems awkward to people who, in fact, probably had absolutely no hand in creating the reality they're living in today even though they would seem to be taking credit for the advancements. You never talked on a payphone? Well then, you must have personally invented mobile phones, right? Never had to ride a horse to get to the next town? Wow -- you must have invented cars.
Valerie 1 year ago
These are almost entirely from the 90's and earlier, namely cassette tapes and NES cartridges. In fact, the only thing on here exclusively from the 2000s is #11, and I'm pretty damn sure that was never really a thing.

"Recording songs from the radio and trimming off the talking parts at the beginning"

Embracing The Awkward Habits Of The Early 2000s
