"Oh, I remember vividly. It was Battlefield Earth.
The shot angles kept being tilted this way and that for no reason and I started tilting my head so that things would be level. Then my friend joined in. Then we simultaneously were like “are we going to cramp our necks for THIS?” And walked out."
yep, you should watch The Suicide Squad. the one without will smith..so much better
Both are cr#p
Austin Powers.....the one with Fat Bastard drinking the 'poop-coffee'.
Got up, walked out.
Shrek - The jivey, Eddie Murphy donkey..........annoying as f**k.
Filmed with a budget cam and the only scene you get is the same patch of water.
About 20 years ago and still the worst I've ever seen.
Give a 5 y'old a camera for an hour and it's guaranteed to be better.