It doesn't sit straight up and down, but rather the main mass of the atriums is centered between the lungs, while the ventricles are angled slightly to the left of the sternum. Dextrocardia is when the heart is angled to the right.
#18 False. When you're growing, your body is in overproduction of cells, both new ones for growth and those to replace dead ones. Once you stop growing, your body only makes cells to replace the dead ones, which it slowly becomes less and less capable of. This degrading ability to replace dead cells is why the elderly look so... well, the way they do, and why they become more susceptible to disease. However, this can also lead simply to organ failure, which is technically death due to old age.
"Situs inversus is a rare genetic condition wherein the positions of the organs in a person’s chest and abdomen mirror normal anatomy. For instance, their heart is on the right side of their chest, not their left."
It doesn't sit straight up and down, but rather the main mass of the atriums is centered between the lungs, while the ventricles are angled slightly to the left of the sternum. Dextrocardia is when the heart is angled to the right.
#18 False. When you're growing, your body is in overproduction of cells, both new ones for growth and those to replace dead ones. Once you stop growing, your body only makes cells to replace the dead ones, which it slowly becomes less and less capable of. This degrading ability to replace dead cells is why the elderly look so... well, the way they do, and why they become more susceptible to disease. However, this can also lead simply to organ failure, which is technically death due to old age.
It doesn't sit straight up and down, but rather the main mass of the atriums is centered between the lungs, while the ventricles are angled slightly to the left of the sternum. Dextrocardia is when the heart is angled to the right.
This degrading ability to replace dead cells is why the elderly look so... well, the way they do, and why they become more susceptible to disease. However, this can also lead simply to organ failure, which is technically death due to old age.
Built his own cred.