"My Coworker Puts His Coffee Creamer In Breast Milk Bags In The Common Fridge"
"I Work At A Vet Clinic And One Of My Coworkers Put This Up On The Wall"
"Someone Brought Cheerio Donuts Into Work Today"
"These Are My Bosses. I Love My Job"
"You're Joking. You're Joking. I Can't Believe My Eyes. This Is How My Coworker Came Into Work Today"
"Found This Gem On My Desk This Morning. Coworker Pranked Me"
"A Coworker Said There Was A Walk-In Fridge In The Break Room... Wasn’t Disappointed"
"It's Been About 6 Months Since I Put This On A Welder At Work And No One Has Said Anything. It's A Magnet With Sharpie On It"
"This Box Has Been In Our Hallway For Several Days Now. It Seems Someone I Work With Has Jokes"
"A Few Days Late, But Here Is My Mexican Coworker On Cinco Mayo. He Wore This All Day While We Served Enchiladas And Guacamole"
"My Wife Found A Deceased Cockroach At Work And Put It In A Coffin. Unknown People Added More To It"
"I Complained About My New Office's Window, So My Coworker Made Me This"
"Coworker Put A Price On A Beer In The Fridge, I Decided To Haggle The Price Down"
"Coworkers Made Me A Bike Lane All The Way To My Desk Because Of How Much I Talk About Cars S#cking"
"Today Is My Last Day And My Coworkers Got Me A Going-Away Cake. It's Black And Brown Because I'm "Gone To Them Now". I'm Gonna Miss Those J#rks"
"I Have An Australian Coworker (We Are In US) And I’m Giving Him This As A Gift Today"
"Tim Getting The Recognition He Deserves At Work. Employee Of The Month"
"My Coworker Left His Phone At Work Today"
"My Dad Took A Cardboard Cutout Of His Coworker To An Aviation Conference In Galveston"
"Hopefully, My Coworker Won't End Me"
"Coworker's Screen Saver. For Context, It Looks Like A Usual Error Windows Give When Something Goes Wrong, But The Text Is Different"
"New Role At Work Had Me Move Desks To A New Building Across The Street, And This Is How My Coworkers Replaced Me At My Old Desk"
Probably spent his whole shift looking for that (aka getting paid to do no work), that's management material right there...
If you go to work at a certain time and leave at a certain time that's called a shift. And if everyone got what you are calling "real jobs" then it looks like you'd have to get your own packages, grow your own food and make your own coffee. Without all those people working those jobs for such little pay that they need multiple jobs to survive your world would shut down, think about that next time you're screaming at the person behind the counter at starbucks...