"14 years before the Titanic sank, a fictional story was written by a man named Morgan Robertson. In the story, the ship was described as the largest ever built at the time (same as the Titanic), it was also woefully short on lifeboats, and it also struck an iceberg and sank. The ship in the story was also a triple screw propeller liner, and it was named the Titan."
It should be noted, however, that all true dragonflies are unable to walk, only perch. Damselflies can walk, but not very well.
Scale of space: Can you fit all the planets between the Earth ...
The average Earth-Moon distance is 384,400, and the total of the planets' average diameters is 380,016. That difference is 4,384 km, very close to their figure. But that doesn't include subtracting the radii of the Earth and Moon! When you do that (getting 376,000 km or so, remember) the planets don't fit.