Becca, I drink all kinds of beer - my fave is Trappist beers. But it’s disingenuous to say that some of the mainstream popular beers (like Corona) are not good. You aren’t impressing anyone by trying to appear like as if it’s beneath your standards. You’re a fake and I’m sure everyone around you but you knows it - good luck with that
#35 Reminds me of a local guy who wears the most FABULOUS coats he can get his hands on, but everything else he wears is scruffy, but for this guy it's shoes.
Becca, I drink all kinds of beer - my fave is Trappist beers. But it’s disingenuous to say that some of the mainstream popular beers (like Corona) are not good. You aren’t impressing anyone by trying to appear like as if it’s beneath your standards. You’re a fake and I’m sure everyone around you but you knows it - good luck with that
#35 Reminds me of a local guy who wears the most FABULOUS coats he can get his hands on, but everything else he wears is scruffy, but for this guy it's shoes.
You wouldnt recognize good beer when it would Glow in the dark
HAHAH you just put Corona and good beer in the same sentence damn that auto-correct right? right?
#58 I’m Rick James. B!tch!!