Blanche 7 month s ago
#35 That is very kind by Shaq but it’s lot of kids for 1 couple if you can’t support your own kids do not have them
Cam 7 month s ago
#35, that's dumb Shaq. If they can't get their own transportation, maybe do not procreate and have NINE KIDS. Shaq should have bought them a year supply of condoms. And maybe a brain.
Caldonia 7 month s ago
Cam, you know nothing about the family at all. It’s none of your business how many kids they have - doesn’t affect you at all. They are probably doing fine financially. Maybe Shaq just wanted to be nice.
Hezekiah 7 month s ago
#6 That's all well and good, but.. there a lot more out there that machine just ignores.
Cam 7 month s ago
#35. That's not right Shaq. Some guy who can't afford a car but can afford to have 9 kids and you bring them to dinner and get them a MB van. However, the waitress that has car problem and you only gave her a $1k tip?!?!?!?
Athy 7 month s ago
#35 - Shaq is a good man. Looks like a nice family and it was nice of him to share his wealth! I grew up in a big family - it was great! We had so much fun! That van is going to come in handy!

53-year-old Joseph Sonnier always planned to go to college after high school. However, due to family circumstances he couldn’t continue his education. After taking various jobs, he started work as a janitor at Port Barre Elementary School in Port Barre, LA.

One day, the school principal, Wesley Jones, had a chat with Sonnier. “I think you’d benefit the students better as an educator,” the principal told him.

Sonnier took his advice and went back to school while working full-time.

His strenuous efforts paid off. He graduated with an associate’s degree in 2006 from Louisiana State University Eunice, and in 2008, he received his bachelor’s degree at the University of Louisiana. Then he went for a master’s degree at the same university.

Years later, Sonnier is now principal at the same school he had worked as a janitor for 27 years.


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