Blanche 7 month s ago
#35 That is very kind by Shaq but it’s lot of kids for 1 couple if you can’t support your own kids do not have them
Cam 7 month s ago
#35, that's dumb Shaq. If they can't get their own transportation, maybe do not procreate and have NINE KIDS. Shaq should have bought them a year supply of condoms. And maybe a brain.
Caldonia 7 month s ago
Cam, you know nothing about the family at all. It’s none of your business how many kids they have - doesn’t affect you at all. They are probably doing fine financially. Maybe Shaq just wanted to be nice.
Hezekiah 7 month s ago
#6 That's all well and good, but.. there a lot more out there that machine just ignores.
Cam 7 month s ago
#35. That's not right Shaq. Some guy who can't afford a car but can afford to have 9 kids and you bring them to dinner and get them a MB van. However, the waitress that has car problem and you only gave her a $1k tip?!?!?!?
Athy 7 month s ago
#35 - Shaq is a good man. Looks like a nice family and it was nice of him to share his wealth! I grew up in a big family - it was great! We had so much fun! That van is going to come in handy!

In 1994 social documentary photographer Sebastião Salgado took over family land in Minas Gerais, Brazil. But instead of the tropical paradise he remembered as a child, the trees were cut down and there were no wild animals left. This combined with his last assignment - reporting on the genocide in Rwanda - left him devastated.

His wife came up with an idea - why not recruit partners, raise funds and restore the forest? And so they did.

Now, about two decades later, the results of their long and hard work are evident. Almost 3 million trees have completely transformed the environment.

Many species found a home in the new Salgado forest. Of the 127 bird species identified, six are endangered. There are also 33 species of mammals, two of which are endangered worldwide, 15 species of amphibians, 15 species of reptiles and 293 species of plants.

Even after their success, the Salgado’s aren’t planning to stop any time soon. Their next goal is to increase the number of plant and animal species beyond their land and increase biodiversity in the region around it.


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