"Situated Within The Great Temple In Hattusa, The Capital Of The Hittite Empire In Turkey, Rests The Enigmatic Green Stone. Despite Its Prominence, The Stone's Historical Background And Origin Have Remained Elusive, Leaving Scholars Puzzled. It Is Widely Believed That This Stone Held Religious Significance Within The Temple. The Precise Classification Of The Stone Remains Uncertain, With The Leading Possibilities Being Jade Or Serpentine, Both Of Which Exist In The Geological Composition Of The Region. While Such Stones Are Not Uncommon In The Area, The Enduring Mystery Lies In The Remarkable Preservation Of This Particular Stone, Which Stands Out Significantly From Others In The Vicinity. This Distinctiveness Has Captured Considerable Attention And Intrigue. For Generations, Locals Have Affectionately Referred To It As The "Wishing Stone," Adding To Its Allure And Mystique"
Given all the historical evidence available, empirical and anecdotal, it is, and always will be, the most logical conclusion.
me- "Oooh, right. The walls. The walls for Kuzco. The walls chosen specially to protect Kuzco. Kuzco's walls.... Those walls?"
Also, dinosaurs existed all over the planet and when people discovered the fossils, they had no idea what they were. This explains why mythical creature legends (like dragons) exist in almost every ancient culture.