"For Over A Century, The Phaistos Disc Has Remained At The Center Of Ongoing Controversy Since Its Initial Discovery. The Question Of Its Authenticity Continues To Spark Debate, While Numerous Attempts To Unravel The Meaning Behind Its Enigmatic Pictographs Have Proliferated. Interpreted Through Diverse Lenses, The Disc Has Been Seen As An Adventure Story, A Religious Prayer, A Political Administrative Record, An Almanac, And Even A Board Game. In Its Peculiarity, The Disc Has Also Garnered More Fantastical Interpretations, With Some Proposing That It Serves As A Communication From Extraterrestrial Beings Or Acts As A Cosmic Gateway To Hidden Dimensions"
Given all the historical evidence available, empirical and anecdotal, it is, and always will be, the most logical conclusion.
me- "Oooh, right. The walls. The walls for Kuzco. The walls chosen specially to protect Kuzco. Kuzco's walls.... Those walls?"
Also, dinosaurs existed all over the planet and when people discovered the fossils, they had no idea what they were. This explains why mythical creature legends (like dragons) exist in almost every ancient culture.