#16 An acre of corn yielding 180 bushels removes 8 tons of CO2 from the air during an average growing season and produces enough oxygen to supply 131 people with their year's need
Viney, what about athletes? they cause more climate change than anything s#cking up all the air and over eating. they actually consume more than overweight people
#22 that must be why all the people making the most money off of global warming hysteria keep buying beach property. Because they really believe this. That's the ticket
#20 Can? No you HAVE to. it records your face and shopping habits. if your credit score decides you bought too many coffees or diapers, your payment will be denied.
#16 An acre of corn yielding 180 bushels removes 8 tons of CO2 from the air during an average growing season and produces enough oxygen to supply 131 people with their year's need
Viney, what about athletes? they cause more climate change than anything s#cking up all the air and over eating. they actually consume more than overweight people
#22 that must be why all the people making the most money off of global warming hysteria keep buying beach property. Because they really believe this. That's the ticket
#20 Can? No you HAVE to. it records your face and shopping habits. if your credit score decides you bought too many coffees or diapers, your payment will be denied.
Knowledge is power!
what about athletes? they cause more climate change than anything s#cking up all the air and over eating. they actually consume more than overweight people
Quit thinking.... Consume!
Daylight come and me wanna go home....