Molly 1 year ago
#7 and today there are theories basically proving that Darwin was only partly right on things and there is no surviving of the fittest. it's just adapting and propagating the species of your genetic material. i mean look how many weak and stupid humans are surviving and reproducing
Muriel 1 year ago

Humans can’t be used as an example. Unlike any other species, we go very far out of our way to make sure the weak and feeble-minded survive.
Sheryl 1 year ago
[quote=Muriel], yeah, we should remove all warning labels on everything for a few years, and our gene pool would improve significantly. So many stupid people are alive simply because we keep them alive.
Muriel 1 year ago
#6 F$&king nerd!

"Catching killers like Bundy, Gacy, and Dahmer. Lots of people talk about how horrific and disgusting their crimes were and they forget that these monsters were caught. Granted, oftentimes not due to ace detective work by three letter agencies, but by regular people catching them on something mundane.

Bundy was caught after he was stopped by local police for speeding and the officer found him in a stolen vehicle. Gacy was caught after he was spotted on surveillance footage handling marijuana. Dahmer was found out after he solicited a potential victim who then flagged down local police officers. Hell, even Robert Pickton was caught by Canadian police after his property was raided, not for suspicion of murder, but for the suspected possession of illegal firearms."


Solved Enigmas: Unraveling Еhe Wildest Mysteries
