"While it is an ongoing process and we have not nearly all the answers i would argue some of the most fascinating discoveries have to do with the mystery of space and its exploration.
It is basically a journey from “the earth is not flat” to “earth is the center of the universe” to “the sun is the center of the universe” to “there are other planets next to the sun and the earth” to “the entire universe is a static mix of stars and nebulas” to the detection of other galaxies (first one was Andromeda galaxy) to the detection of the true scale of the universe which contains billions of galaxies and is vast beyond imagining etc etc.
And every year and with every new project like James Webb 2 years ago we gradually get more and more knowledge about life in the cosmos over a span of 13.8 billion years. How crazy is that. I reckon in our lifetime we will solve the dark energy and dark matter mysteries and many more!But until that happens a lot of stuff that happens in space is fascinating and not really explainable.
I like the saying “there is magic but it’s not in Hogwarts but in space”…at least for the time being."
Humans can’t be used as an example. Unlike any other species, we go very far out of our way to make sure the weak and feeble-minded survive.