"Not 100% provable on whether this was solved, but I found the Super Mario 64 Tick Tock Clock Upwarp to be very interesting. A decade long mystery to figure out how a glitch occurred. Nobody could figure out how to do it, but we have recorded proof of it happening. A $1000 bounty was put on a way to reproduce the glitch. Decompilation of the code showed no possible way to accomplish it. People thought for the longest time that the video used mods or something. Later, people theorized it was caused by cosmic rays hitting the cartridge just right to flip a single bit at that exact moment in time to cause the upwarp. This part was mentioned in a Veritasium video."
Humans can’t be used as an example. Unlike any other species, we go very far out of our way to make sure the weak and feeble-minded survive.