"The total area of ocean is about 361 million square km, or 3.61 x 1014 square meters.
The highest point of Denmark is about 171m.
The earth is large enough that we can choose to ignore the curvature over a change of radius of 171m (compared to the radius of 6300km it’s less than a rounding error).
What we can’t ignore is that there is about 30 million square km of land that is 171m or less above sea level which will also be flooded (estimating from a hypsographic curve). I’ll factor in a mean of half of that to give the new earths surface figure of 3.76 x 1014 square meters.
This means that there would need to be 171 x 3.76 x 1014 = 6.43 x 1016 cubic meters of water displaced.
If we assume a good throwing rock has a volume of 1 litre, then you would need 6.43 x 1019 rocks.
At 1 rock per day that’s going to be 1.76 x 1017 years, or 12 900 000 times the age of the universe.
If all 8 billion people on the world threw one rock per second, it would only take 250 years"
#20 Legibly. Or it would be completely black.