
"These Two Showed Up On My Porch A Few Days Ago Looking For Food And Love"

"They wanted all the love and whenever my husband and I would go back inside, they would yowl at us until we came back out. I always saw them at the neighbors so we assumed they belonged to the neighbors, but after further inspection, they were kind of skinny, covered in fleas, and not fixed. Husband said no more cats! So I figured I could at least treat them for their fleas, feed them, and possibly TNR so they don't reproduce when they get older. I set up a little shelter for them as it was kinda cold out. When I woke up, I was sad to see that they were both gone. A few hours later though, my husband wakes up and I tell him how sad I am that they aren't on our deck anymore. My husband (Zack) then proceeds to smile and say "Well what if drunk Zack went outside, thought to himself 'Wow it's chilly outside. Let me call the kikis inside' and went 'here kikiki' and then both kitties came running and I grabbed them and threw them into the house?" at this point I don't believe him and walked downstairs because I'm the one that catnaps strays, not him lol. Well low and behold, these two orange babies are in our spare room. So no longer, my house, not my cat, but my house, my pumpkin and spice"


Feline Intrusions: Hilarious 'Not My Cat' Moments Captured