"Teenage years, especially the “sweet sixteen”"
"One of the life lessons I’ve had to learn the hard way is that people peaked in high school/peaked in teen years types are the worst people to be around. They’re miserable, self-loathing people who will drag you down with them if you give them the chance.
Even my own brother, I’ve unfortunately had to hangout with a lot less over our adult years because he’s a peaked in high school that’s just a grump now. And we’re still in our 20’s, imagine how he’ll be in his 30’s or 40’s."
Correction. It's a 'responsibility.' But being responsible is now considered racist.
Yup, and the nuclear family is racist, as well as math...
...and skilled work, not stealing and coherent diction.
#3 I enjoyed prom though the sex afterwards was only ok. Hey we were young and didn't know all the things we would learn later in life.
#6 Hmm. I think the peak years were my 20s to 30s. Became an NCO, advanced infantry, SNCO. Strong, tough, multi skilled, saw a lot of the world. Got married and had kids. After leaving the Corps, it has been a rather slow burn
#14 You need to see the right ones to get the true thrill of it. An A-10 gun run providing fire support to your guys is a wonderful and beautiful thing.