Seb 8 month s ago
These are brutal reads. .
Shirl 8 month s ago
Seb, one word of advise for them: be normal
Virdie 8 month s ago

Normal is boring, how about be kind. Kind is amazing no matter how weird your ideas are.
Virdie 8 month s ago
There was a deaf guy that was a few years older than me, and really cute who would hang out in the coffee shop. We "talked" a bunch of times (he could lip read) but always generic topics. We never even touched and then one day he claimed to wanted to have a huge "army" of children and live in the woods, and he would marry any of the women in my family because he thought we could produce children for him. Then, when I rejected the idea and walked away, he followed me and screamed at me on the sidewalk about how I was a devil temptress breaking the Bible laws and how we had to follow God's plan. I turned and made it clear that I was not threatened by him, and never to talk to me or my family again. Luckily I was nearly his same height and had about 30lbs if muscle more than his skinny ass, because he stopped. He was arrested three months later for breaking a restraining order in Florida by sending threatening letters to an old girlfriend.

"Last time I was asked on a date, we didn't even get to the actual date. We had arranged to go for coffee one afternoon, and that morning he sent me a message asking if we were still on. I replied yes, coffee was still on, and all was well. Then, half an hour or so later, I got another message asking yet again if I was still coming, and I replied yes again. He proceeded to send three more messages with the same question at similar intervals. To the last one, I responded that I was still planning on it, but the constant questioning was off-putting and beginning to make me reconsider. He cancelled the date and blocked me within minutes. His reasoning was that he'd been single for *months* and, therefore, could not contain himself."



"It's not a good sign if they don't have a single idea for what to do for your date. Deciding on a restaurant or a movie with your date is fine, as long as you know sort of what your plan is. Meeting up and being like 'What now?' is no good."



"I once went on a date with a man who took me to a bar where he claimed to be a regular who all the bartenders knew. The first red flag was that it was a pretty grimy bar, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The bartenders did recognize him, however they seemed to be going out of their way to avoid him. As a server passed by, he reached out to physically grab her and she recoiled. It was just painful to watch, and I promptly excused myself and left. Obviously he didn’t treat staff with respect, and that’s a maaajor red flag for me."


Dating Dealbreakers: Wild Red Flags That Ended First Dates
