#15 I was looking at prices from the 1930's America, and a year (12) of haircuts would cost $150, but now costs that for a single haircut. So, the value of each cut is no longer $10 because there are so many things that a barber has to pay for that they never paid for in the past (insurance, rent, utilities, workers comp, special taxes, licences, schooling, etc).
"Within a split second, the human nose modifies the moisture of inhaled air to a constant relative humidity of 75%, and the temperature to a constant of 98.6F (even if the air is 40F or 100F)."
#15 I was looking at prices from the 1930's America, and a year (12) of haircuts would cost $150, but now costs that for a single haircut. So, the value of each cut is no longer $10 because there are so many things that a barber has to pay for that they never paid for in the past (insurance, rent, utilities, workers comp, special taxes, licences, schooling, etc).
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yes please! What is 75% relative humidity in metric?
#8 That's not quite true. I asked them to plant an 80 foot Baobab tree in my backyard and they told me to f@#k off.
#13 David Hasselhoff's buttocks are sublime.
#14 ...upon his request.