Michael Jackson’s signature “anti-gravity lean” was made possible by special boots that hooked to the stage, which he helped design and patent.
Nope. "Backpfeife" is a slap. BTW I'm native german.
Thats correct but the picture says Backpfeifengesicht. So a face for a slap. ;-)
Are you arguing about if you want to hit someone with a slap or a punch?
umgangssprachlich, abwertend: ein Gesicht, das nach einer Ohrfeige bettelt.
colloquial, derogatory: a face that begs for a slap in the face.
nord, mittelwestdeutsch: ein leichter Schlag auf die Wange, eine Ohrfeige.
North, Central West German: a light slap on the cheek, a slap in the face.