"My Sister-In-Law, Who Lives With My Wife And I, Regularly Finishes My Liquor Bottles And Doesn’t Replace Them"
"My sister-in-law regularly helps herself with my whisky. I don’t mind sharing, but I brought it up several times that if she’s going to drink more than me and finish the bottles, she needs to replace them.
The last time I brought it up, she flat-out lied to my face and said she didn’t do it. (My wife rarely drinks and doesn’t drink whisky). Now, I’m just going to hide my bottles."
Yes, but the assailants will describe it as 'accidental maliciousness' and 'deliberate carelessness.' To them, changing the meaning victimizes them, thus removing all culpability.
If that wasn't in Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'...it should have been.