Egbert 7 month s ago
#1 leave a reply; Sorry I offended you let's get a beer and discuss it, otherwise F@#K OFF before I F@#KING ANNIAHILATE YOU!

If you really want to mess with people shower them with love messages and see what happens.
Arielle 7 month s ago
I can see how some of these could creep one out. Which is why I am thankful to live in a free state where I carry a G21 and a blade. I am thankful for the 20 yrs in the infantry that taught me how to spot danger and to K efficiently.
Abiel 7 month s ago
Arielle, Thank you for your service!

"An Old Man Who's Been Stalking Me Left A Note On My Car At My Job"

"For context, this man was a patron at my work and has been coming around for the past 4+ years to disturb my peace of mind and bring me small gifts. He was generally friendly and pleasant, but always gave me a gross feeling in my stomach that told me I should definitely keep our interactions brief and never give him any information about myself.

The last time I spoke to him, he insisted that I go out to lunch with him or call him on his phone. Putting my foot down, I told him I was not at all interested in ever doing something like that, but I thanked him for the gifts. His reaction was subtle, but it really made me change my tune because I could detect a certain callousness and animosity in his demeanor that stood out as a huge red flag to me.

Today, this note was taped to my car. I have no idea why he addressed me as "Garbo," but I have to assume it's a reference to Greta Garbo.Hopefully, this is the end of him coming around, but of course I will be on guard for anything suspicious."


The Most Disturbing Messages People Discovered