Timothy, Why? If you were a teen back then you don't get to b*tch and whine about today: this is the world YOU created. You were in one of two camps: you participated and this is the world you created through your actions OR you slacked off, didnt vote cos "it's too hard" and never raised your voice in which case "shut the hell up gramps, NEXT time get off your @$$ and get involved"
Della, maybe you can give us an example of participating - what are you doing to make a meaningful change in government? Yeah, didn’t think so… you ain’t doing jack..
#11 like . . . today? Paper receipts from an ATM in 2024? In 2024, a quarter of a century into the 21st century, there's somewhere in America with ATM's that give out a PAPER receipt? Seriously? A paper receipt with your balance on it . . . . . Do you need to handcrank start it first??
#28 america is a truly messed up society. "Hey, just a reminder: no guns in the library. If the books frighten you, go somewhere else"
Ella, #29 Rear seat passengers would get a blast of cold air on the backs of their necks, and block the air from the front of the cabin. Brilliant. Maybe why they went out of business.
#3 Axe Body Spray. Ethnocentrically formulated so you can smell the 'usual suspects' coming up from behind so you can put a bullet in their thick tarantula haired skulls.
#13 That's not weird. In Germany you have the right on your 'own' Images. However, the .exe file are not the images, but the viewer you'll need to watch them - and the hospital ist enforced by law to include it on the CD.
#13 is not even mildly interesting. In Germany you have the owners right of your own Images. Most radiologic departments will give you a CD/DVD or online link. Btw: the .exe file is only the viewer you need, not the images itself.
#12 83$ für einen versch... Burger, zwei Tacos und ein Bier? In was für einer Welt leben diese Menschen? 25Cent Rabatt sind ein lustiger Werbewitz, mehr nicht.
Timothy, Why? If you were a teen back then you don't get to b*tch and whine about today: this is the world YOU created. You were in one of two camps: you participated and this is the world you created through your actions OR you slacked off, didnt vote cos "it's too hard" and never raised your voice in which case "shut the hell up gramps, NEXT time get off your @$$ and get involved"
Della, maybe you can give us an example of participating - what are you doing to make a meaningful change in government? Yeah, didn’t think so… you ain’t doing jack..
#11 like . . . today? Paper receipts from an ATM in 2024? In 2024, a quarter of a century into the 21st century, there's somewhere in America with ATM's that give out a PAPER receipt? Seriously? A paper receipt with your balance on it . . . . . Do you need to handcrank start it first??
#28 america is a truly messed up society. "Hey, just a reminder: no guns in the library. If the books frighten you, go somewhere else"
Ella, #29 Rear seat passengers would get a blast of cold air on the backs of their necks, and block the air from the front of the cabin. Brilliant. Maybe why they went out of business.
#3 Axe Body Spray. Ethnocentrically formulated so you can smell the 'usual suspects' coming up from behind so you can put a bullet in their thick tarantula haired skulls.
#13 That's not weird. In Germany you have the right on your 'own' Images. However, the .exe file are not the images, but the viewer you'll need to watch them - and the hospital ist enforced by law to include it on the CD.
#13 is not even mildly interesting. In Germany you have the owners right of your own Images. Most radiologic departments will give you a CD/DVD or online link. Btw: the .exe file is only the viewer you need, not the images itself.
#12 83$ für einen versch... Burger, zwei Tacos und ein Bier? In was für einer Welt leben diese Menschen? 25Cent Rabatt sind ein lustiger Werbewitz, mehr nicht.
Yeah, you surely did..and ruined the world.. not all should speak up, just like you.
...it's always someone elses fault in the world YOU created, eh?
A paper receipt with your balance on it . . . . . Do you need to handcrank start it first??
#28 america is a truly messed up society. "Hey, just a reminder: no guns in the library. If the books frighten you, go somewhere else"
So they discount it $.25 yet charge a 3.99% card fee and the food is freaking high!!
Great people, yep salt of the earth they are!!
#15 Don't get in that van!
#29 "The Facel Vega has..." Facel went out of business in 1964. This is a pretty old car.
#33 Oh, so you bought the cheap one and expected more for your money. No.
Btw: the .exe file is only the viewer you need, not the images itself.