Elminie 3 month s ago
#12 70s had the best music.. real musicians playing instruments, not computer generated crap with "singers" jumping around and mouthing everything "for the show". Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Chicago (before Peter Cetera's sappy crap)... just the best...
Mima 3 month s ago
Quote: Elminie
Chicago (before Peter Cetera's sappy crap)... just the best...

100% Search YouTube for the live version of Chicago playing 25 or 6 to 4. Terry Kath is amazing. Not the same band after he died.
Melly 3 month s ago
Every caption for these gifs are pretty much accurate. They read like they're not the assumption of some Millennial or Gen Z. Most of these descriptions can easily be used for the 1980's too. I was in Elementary school for most of the 70's and I miss that childhood freedom of outdoor exploration and getting minor injuries with my friends doing whatever we felt like without parents. "Just be back home before supper" was the only parental rule. It's stunning how society has devolved by comparison. I actually feel sorry for children today. They'll never get a chance to experience what we did. Gen X was truly the last free generation.

Thanks Izi for the memories.
Nate 3 month s ago
#10 I liked garden hose water, it was always cold and had a great garden hose flavor to it.

#13 You'd dial 767-XXXX any 4 numbers after and you'd get Time, some of the numbers gave you a few minutes before disconnecting you, others only 30 seconds. It was a party line, you could talk to anyone who was calling time.

#5 starting 2nd grade I walked to school and home by myself. There were a couple occasions when I was in kindergarten and 1st grade where I did that because my brother wasn't around to walk with me. And during recess, we'd go to the strip mall half a block away. If you had a nickel you could get a small piece of chocolate and with a little more the candy cigarettes and things like that at the liquor store. Sometimes you'd find cans of beer behind the store in the trash.

“Having the room to make mistakes without someone posting them online. Not having to answer decades later for everything young and stupid you said or did.”


Gen X Nostalgia: The Best Of Growing Up In The ‘70s