"Tomorrow being almost identical to today."
"Becoming disabled. There’s so much ableism in the world because people think it could never happen to them."
"Blowing through the ground water and overfishing."
"The US power grid failing. It would have extreme consequences. Just about everything we need and do in American society requires some sort of power. Even the water you drink."
"Another biological outbreak!!!!!"
No, it's city planners not putting in sidewalks big enough for wheelchairs, and shelves in stores being tall, and in America ADA is supposed to provide extra funding to make sure these situations are taken care of.
Most plants cant process co2 if temperatures to high. To prevent oxydation damage they shut down photosynthesis and Switch to using up Sugar to survive.
That are the sugars you and i eat.
Changing Rain patterns will erode fertile Grounds and make them unusable die crops.