"Hitchin Lavender, a farm in Hertfordshire, has urged visitors to stop damaging their lavender plants by sitting or lying on them for social media photos. Director Tim Hunter posted a video showing destroyed plants and pleaded for visitors to not ‘kill our lavender’. The lavender fields have taken 10 years to cultivate, with some plants being 20 years old. While grateful for visitors, Hunter expressed concern about those who take photo opportunities ‘a bit too far’. The farm has put up signs advising proper behavior, but the increasing popularity has led to more damage for the sake of 10-second photos."
To be fair, they are indeed "influencers," in that they influence those to be as irresponsible and Narcissistic as they are.
Yeah it's just a mutt, a mix breed, and she can't even admit that. She says it's something even more important, and illegal. Talk about delusional.