Russ 5 month s ago
#12 There most certainly is a way to protect yourself from other bad drivers. It's called, 'Situational Awareness.' It's what smart people do instinctually, when surrounded by idiots. 35
Karon 5 month s ago

It only helps to a degree. Takes only 1 idiot to speed through a red light and it's over.
Delphi 4 month s ago
Russ, right. So you're sitting at a red light; someone comes around the corner at speed and loses control. You're going to...? Dumb@$$.
Bias 5 month s ago
#12 it's also called Defensive Driving, and I, at least, check there aren't any cars coming late when my light turns green.

I also don't tail gate; look both ways when crossing a one way street; check that there aren't any cars coming if I'm about to walk past a big rain puddle, etcetera etcetera.
Delphi 4 month s ago
Bias, Right. So you're on the freeway, doing 80mph, because that's what geniuses like you do; the truck next to you gets blown over in a high wind. But you're perfectly safe. Goddam you people are stupid.
Virdie 5 month s ago
#7 Sex offenders can be guys who said too many inappropriate jokes to the wrong person, it DOES NOT mean they are child molesters. WHAT they are accused of matters.
Virdie 5 month s ago
#11 Yes leprosy exists, but only a percentage of the population is not automatically immune to it. Which means most people who get it are carriers, and can pass it to someone who is NOT immune.
Virdie 5 month s ago
#15 I'm still convinced the original Zodiac was actually a group of people, at least three, based on the variable M.O. and the speed up then slowing down progress.
Bridie 5 month s ago
#7 I bet in the US you are a sex offender when you breastfeed your child in public.
Hamilton 5 month s ago

In the US, that all depends on what skin color you have and what political party you're affiliated with. Moreover, if you're an American citizen...you're a sex offender. If you're a 3rd world illegal...You're allowed to do what ever you want and kill and rape whomever you please. If you don't like it, you're a racist.
Vanessa 5 month s ago

Oh, go easy on him, Hamilton. Birdie is more than likely from Canada, the UK, or some other European dung heap that has already signed away it's national identity to PC politics while waves of their own immigrant invasion continues. They're completely neutered and proud of it for some insane reason, with their politicians telling them to 'just don't go there' for all the bad areas popping up in what was once their own cities. Rape gangs, stabbings, mobs from the middle east helping themselves...they call it progress.

“Never go downstream of a low head dam. Actually just don’t go near one at all. They’ve earned the nickname “The Drowning Machine.” This is because the structure combined with the current creates an inescapable “drowning zone” of a rotating current. They are incredibly strong and nearly impossible to escape from. Should you fall in, no one will rescue you. It’s just too dangerous.”


Spine-Chilling Facts That Are Seriously Disturbing
