#17 Gave me the giggles. Hauled to the police like a redneck does with big game. I like it when Robbers/Thieves/Crooks get treated like the trash they are.
#17 Gave me the giggles. Hauled to the police like a redneck does with big game. I like it when Robbers/Thieves/Crooks get treated like the trash they are.
what about Leonid Breschnew could be funny?
Maybe his eyebrows? But there is another politican:Thoe Waigel that was his (eyebrow opponent ...)
you are.
It's someone using a phone ON SPEAKER in the bus.
Have seen this more than once in public transport.
Why would you do that?
It says B*tch for the name but in Russian, Cyka
my first response was to the wrong thread, I'm sorry:
She's holding the phone like a slice of bread.
So, every body can/must listen to her phone call.
One fine day, I'will throw some Salami on such a phone.
shoot shoot shoot
@admin: can you please help and delete my other reply?
Thank you!
DOH! It's 'When you're a duck...