"The Nickelodeon Time Capsule"
"It contains items deemed important to the children of 1992 as voted upon by Nickelodeon viewers. These items included a Barbie doll, baseball, books (comic book, endangered species book, history book, phone book, TV Guide and World Atlas), bubble gum, CDs (MC Hammer and Michael Jackson), hat featuring the catchphrase of Joey Lawrence, news reports (1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt, Dissolution of the Soviet Union, Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and Operation Desert Storm), Nickelodeon Gak, Nickelodeon Magazine, Nintendo Game Boy, pencils, photos of things too big to fit inside (bicycles, cars, celebrities, planes, politicians and trains), piece of the Berlin Wall, Reebok Pump sneakers, Rollerblades, skateboard, t-shirt featuring the Nicktoons characters Ren and Stimpy, Twinkies, and VHS movies (Back to the Future and Home Alone). The final items put in the capsule were a tape of the event itself and the camcorder used to record it."