Don't hate the cyclist, hate the street sweepers who sweep everything into the bike lane making it dangerous to use. It is becoming rare to get home without tire damage or a bruise from being forced into the curb by a piece of debris
"Staying In A Hotel With Weight Sensors That Charge If You Even Move The Drinks, And They Went The Extra Step Of Making The Waters Block Part Of The TV So You Will Be Promoted To Move Them"
Don't hate the cyclist, hate the street sweepers who sweep everything into the bike lane making it dangerous to use. It is becoming rare to get home without tire damage or a bruise from being forced into the curb by a piece of debris
See? Any benign photo can be re-contextualized. Just like most of them are here.
This is how everyone feels after reading your grammatical catastrophe....((((( )))))
#14 How can you be a jerk if you honk at pedestrians that block the road?
#30 I wonder what kind of a-hole you have to be to do something like this.
#34 Call a tow truck?
#41 Germans. 100%
Some GIRL Tried On All These Shoes And Left Them On The Floor