"My Cousin Told Me He Took Up Guitar And My Grandmother Suggested I Lend Him One Of Mine. Got It Back After A Month And Noticed Something A Bit Off"
"I honestly had been avoiding her suggestion because I didn’t wanna risk something like this happening but she put me on the spot at a cookout and I said screw it.
He openly was bragging about getting drunk and destroying his Xbox/PC/ and some windows at my aunt's house after I had given him the guitar so I can’t say I’m surprised I got it back like this."
See? Any benign photo can be re-contextualized. Just like most of them are here.
This is how everyone feels after reading your grammatical catastrophe....((((( )))))
#14 How can you be a jerk if you honk at pedestrians that block the road?
#30 I wonder what kind of a-hole you have to be to do something like this.
#34 Call a tow truck?
#41 Germans. 100%
Some GIRL Tried On All These Shoes And Left Them On The Floor