#20 Sorry, VW was not founded by the crazy shouting Austrian Idiot, it was founded by Ferdinand Porsche... Yes this Porsche guy. He already built cars prior Adolf asked for the KdF-Wagen which became after WW2 the Käfer. He also made tanks etc.
#20 Sorry, VW was not founded by the crazy shouting Austrian Idiot, it was founded by Ferdinand Porsche... Yes this Porsche guy. He already built cars prior Adolf asked for the KdF-Wagen which became after WW2 the Käfer. He also made tanks etc.
Yes, Germany had them. In 1923. With POS terminals!
he's not a crazy idiot. he had good ideas and brought the world out of the depression. also was a world-renowned artist
What's pathetic is that you probably believe all that.
#7 So rats count as people now?
#19 A "can't stop us all" movement, but just a Schabowski moment!
#27 Didn't Switzerland do this when they accidentially invaded Liechtenstein or something?