"Hobbies for my kids, the ones they want. I wanted to play sports, and play guitar but was always told “No”. I wanted to learn to play literally any instrument, but was denied. I wanted to play Hockey too, but wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t because of money, I was put unwillingly into other activities that I never asked for or wanted.
So, when my kid asked for cello lessons at the age of 7, they got cello lessons. When my youngest said they wanted to give up soccer for ballet, we swapped soccer for ballet. My only rule is they have to finish the season, they are not allowed to join a team or group and quit part way through (without good reason), they have to finish the season before quitting."
Then it dawned on me that if I wanted a PlayStation I could buy one, with all games I want. So I have a PS4, PS5, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, 3DS XL, and 4 switches (me, wife, kids).
Oh, and LEGO. So much Lego.