Cindy, It's a setup for the camera, the tree isn't plugged in and it is sitting almost in the middle of the room. I suspect they are looking for comments like yours to start arguments with.
#29. This is where we are . . . . .this video got included in a gallery and NOONE thought to themselves "is this funny, is it quirky, is it interesting? "
Marvin, the “training wheels” are there to prevent rollovers and protect the driver and any occupants in test conditions. It’s even fitted on cars in similar tests.
Cindy, It's a setup for the camera, the tree isn't plugged in and it is sitting almost in the middle of the room. I suspect they are looking for comments like yours to start arguments with.
#29. This is where we are . . . . .this video got included in a gallery and NOONE thought to themselves "is this funny, is it quirky, is it interesting? "
Marvin, the “training wheels” are there to prevent rollovers and protect the driver and any occupants in test conditions. It’s even fitted on cars in similar tests.
This is where we are . . . . .this video got included in a gallery and NOONE thought to themselves "is this funny, is it quirky, is it interesting? "