"This intricately carved Viking axe head, which dates back to 994 CE, was discovered in Denmark. Unearthed in 1956 near the village of Mammen, this remarkable 1,030-year-old artifact is currently housed in the National Museum of Denmark. The elaborate designs of the axe head exemplify the exceptional craftsmanship and artistry characteristic of the Viking Age, making it a significant piece of historical heritage."
Actually the dates of artifacts of coastal Aladsk natives (fish trap pegs, and lithographic remains, date back between 20-30,000. There is also new discoveries made with carbon dating man made objects from high mountain areas (which were closer to the water before geological processes). Novice kids who learned random information in proven historically inaccurate textbooks need to shut up or bother to learn the modern facts. Modern science beings all kinds of historical lies to forefront .