Joan 1 month ago
#1 So? wassat
Katelin 1 month ago
#1 So when did they discover it? I'm all ears. Let's hear it. Is there a written record of ancient man crossing the frozen Bering sea dating back 40,000 years or so? Or just some legend about them jumping off the back of a giant turtle onto land? Columbus, the Vikings, whoever and however America was discovered is fine with me, just don't package up this self righteous DEI garbage and preach at me like I'm a defacto racist for not canonizing native Americans.
Drew 1 month ago

Actually the dates of artifacts of coastal Aladsk natives (fish trap pegs, and lithographic remains, date back between 20-30,000. There is also new discoveries made with carbon dating man made objects from high mountain areas (which were closer to the water before geological processes). Novice kids who learned random information in proven historically inaccurate textbooks need to shut up or bother to learn the modern facts. Modern science beings all kinds of historical lies to forefront .
Drew 1 month ago
Tiff 1 week ago
Katelin, Hey genius, DNA has been traced directly from specific areas of the Western Hemisphere to specific areas of Asia. Photos of Asians have been shown to Indigenous Americans who thought they were looking at photos of fellow tribe members. The languages are related. The arts and cultures are related. The history of their technology merges with Asian peoples. I'd continue, but i'm guessing you'll need a rest after this many facts, because boy oh boy do facts confuse tf outta you.
Drew 1 month ago
#26 As a historian and anthropologist, I can say the dates make total sense. As people migrated across the planet the ages of the images corresponds. And the idea of a winged man is obviously part of the human story telling for eons. I drew the exact same thing as a kid never having g seen these.
Nibby 1 month ago
#18 60 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 (without leaving a remainder) making it easy to calculate with.
Tiff 1 week ago
Nibby, Pure facts, and yet you still get downvoted. That would be from the kind of person who claims to hate Hollywood and who claims to love the military, yet continues to vote for B-movie stars and Reality TV stars, instead of voting for veterans who served active duty. And the kind of person who goes through life calling everyone snowflakes, but can't leave the house without his or her weapons and/or loose cannon of an attack dog. And people wonder why the world is in the state it's in.

"Nestled in the stunning landscapes of Thailand, Hin Sam Wan, or Three Whale Rock, is a captivating geological wonder that dates back an impressive 75 million years. From an aerial view, the rocks take on the charming appearance of a family of whales gracefully surfacing from the depths, making for a truly breathtaking spectacle. It's a remarkable showcase of nature's artistry, meticulously sculpted over eons, that leaves visitors in awe of its beauty."


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