"The Hanging Stone, situated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory's Ergaki Reserve, is an extraordinary natural phenomenon. This colossal boulder, approximately 600 tons in weight, delicately balances on the precipice of an abyss. For centuries, it has upheld its seemingly unstable posture, characterized by an exceedingly minimal contact surface with the underlying rock. Despite its precarious orientation, the stone exhibits remarkable stability, challenging conventional understanding and enhancing the breathtaking allure of the reserve."
Actually the dates of artifacts of coastal Aladsk natives (fish trap pegs, and lithographic remains, date back between 20-30,000. There is also new discoveries made with carbon dating man made objects from high mountain areas (which were closer to the water before geological processes). Novice kids who learned random information in proven historically inaccurate textbooks need to shut up or bother to learn the modern facts. Modern science beings all kinds of historical lies to forefront .