#6 100,000,000 Seems like an awful lot of sharks per year. I have no actual info, just a gut feeling. And to my, admittedly limited, knowledge, sharks aren't endangered....
Based on these I am an average woman filled with rage, have 0 pain tolerance, should feel 500 years older than I am and should have died 5 minutes ago likely of a heart attack. That sounds about right. But at least now I know why babies hate me and why I have such messy handwriting. It's a good thing I mostly type these days and have Grammarly.
Iz, do you ever have even a single moment of embarrassment for the complete bullshit you spew here? I mean, this stuff isn't just incorrect; it's stupefying, that any adult can promote this stuff as fact.
#6 100,000,000 Seems like an awful lot of sharks per year. I have no actual info, just a gut feeling. And to my, admittedly limited, knowledge, sharks aren't endangered....
Based on these I am an average woman filled with rage, have 0 pain tolerance, should feel 500 years older than I am and should have died 5 minutes ago likely of a heart attack. That sounds about right. But at least now I know why babies hate me and why I have such messy handwriting. It's a good thing I mostly type these days and have Grammarly.
Iz, do you ever have even a single moment of embarrassment for the complete bullshit you spew here? I mean, this stuff isn't just incorrect; it's stupefying, that any adult can promote this stuff as fact.
Except that chicken are not as important to their ecosystem as sharks are.
Agreed. As one of the world’s oldest apex-predator, that are themselves prey to nothing…just how endangered do you think they feel?
Well argued
No it’s not. That’s why intermittent fasting works so well
I did intermittent fasting for years it did nothing.